(Originally published in IndianHigherEducation, 13 April 2022) The National Research Fund (NRF) was first announced in 2018, appearing in the draft version of the NEP. Tasked with providing funding research within Indian HE, it was envisioned as also playing a…
Measuring India’s research impact
(Originally published in IndianHigherEducation, 13 April 2022) The diversity of our Higher Education sector in India incorporates a huge base of research. Expanding this will be key to our future growth as a sector, and enhancing the impact of it…
International research collaboration in India
(Originally published in IndianHigherEducation, 13 April 2022) International research partnerships are popping up all over India. In this article we attempt to sketch a quick overview of the breadth of approaches adopted by the various collaboration initiatives with India globally.…
Is GIFT City a gateway to greater TNE collaboration?
(Originally published in IndianHigherEducation, 13 April 2022) The 2022 budget had a lot to say about education, but a key point of interest for international HE collaborators with India should be changes paving the way for the establishment of foreign…
A dive into the world of Indian Edtech
(Originally published in IndianHigherEducation,13 April 2022) Educational technology, or Edtech, has the potential to create an education environment which is more dynamic, efficient and accessible. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have come to prominence during the pandemic for their…
What drives Indian students to go overseas ?
(Originally published in IndianHigherEducation, 23 March 2022) Studying overseas is a life-changing experience for students who undertake the challenge. They return with new perspectives and benefit from exposure to a new culture and education system. However, there are financial and…
The New Education Policy
(Originally published in IndianHigherEducation, 11 March, 2022) The long-awaited New Education Policy 2020 is India’s overarching policy framework for the development of the country’s education sector. After receiving over 20,000 comments from stakeholders and spending four years in development, it…
India: the next key HE recruitment market globally
China has long remained the largest market for international student recruitment, a fact that many institutions have relied on at the expense of collaboration in other countries. India may currently send a fraction of the students that China does, but…
How will India attract international students to its shores?
(Originally published in IndianHigherEducation, 01 March 2022) India is on a mission to rapidly expand the number of international students it welcomes to its universities. In 2018, the Indian government set an ambitious target to grow international student enrolments to…
What role does International collaboration play in the NEP?
(Originally published in IndianHigherEducation, 28 February 2022) For the size that India is, it is a country where international engagement in education is still an emerging activity. India may be one of the largest senders of international students in the…