Below are links to publicly available articles published during my short time working on the Argus Media Bitumen desk. “Cost of government support for fossil fuels still high” (co-published with Alejandro Moreano, 21 November 2024) “UK bitumen consumption falls 20pc…
My long road to journalism
Over 10 months. That is what it took to find a job. Or was it 10 years? I landed a full-time journalist role, a goal that has taken a decade to reach. Here’s another piece of job journey story time.…
How many international students study in China?
(Published in The PIE News, July 4th 2024) China has been the largest source of international students globally for the last decade, but as an Asian-century dawns, we take a closer look at the country’s popularity as a study destination.…
Does the MAC Review demand a rethink on recruitment agents? (Opinion)
It is a time for celebration across the UK HE sector. The MAC Review found no evidence of abuse of the graduate route visa and recommended that the government maintains the scheme. Among the cheers however are some commentators more…
Is there a global turn to tougher international student rules?
(published in The PIE News, April 3rd 2024) Is the drive for internationalisation grinding to a global halt? Entry to major HE providers is getting tougher just as pressure rises within universities to attract ever greater numbers of international students.…
(Published in CBBC Focus on 9th October 2023) At the 75th General Assembly of the UN, China announced that it was committing to reaching peak carbon emissions by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060. President Xi Jinping called for all…
Student unrest mounts amid UK marking boycott (PIE News)
(Published in PIE News, 17 July 2023) Students at universities in London are becoming increasingly restless as university marking boycotts approach their third month. The halt on marking is nationwide and is the culmination of failed industrial negotiations between the…
Is China an unlikely climate and wellbeing hero?
(Published in Political Economy Review, 29 march 2023) For many, putting ‘green economy’ and ‘China’ in the same sentence is an oxymoron. Push the idea to ‘leader in global climate governance’ and eyebrows will start raising. A new report from LSE’s…
Could Nigeria be exempt from IELTS?
(Published in PIE News, 02 June 2022) Since the beginning of this year, pressure has been building on the IELTS examination in Nigeria. A petition to abolish requirements for the test has reached nearly 75,000 signatures and prompted an official response from…
What the pandemic taught us about online education
(Originally published in IndianHigherEducation, 13 April 2022) On February 7th, queues trailed away from gates across Delhi that had remained quiet for a long time. For the first time in two years, the schools were opening. With Coronavirus cases easing,…